The Hot Stove League of EM/Tox
In baseball, the hot stove league is a term used to describe a bunch of guys sitting around a hot stove in the winter time talking about all the moves ...
In baseball, the hot stove league is a term used to describe a bunch of guys sitting around a hot stove in the winter time talking about all the moves their favorite baseball teams should make in the off season. Well, I think #FOAMed is the hot stove league of medicine. When I reflect on the great learning moments of my medical career, I realize they often occurred when I was sitting around, chewing the fat with my favorite educators. When we were in the midst of patient care we generally focused on executing the game plan. Sitting around the ED and talking about what to do if… was the best way to get ready for a real emergency. This blog/cast is the hot stove where I sit down and teach Emergency Medicine and Medical Toxicology. Hope you like it!
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