Laws and Rules of the Florida Board of Nursing
PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This course reviews the purpose and membership of the Florida Board of Nursing (FBON), its legislative duties addressing certified nursing assistants (C.N.A.s), nurses and nursing education, and its ...
This course reviews the purpose and membership of the Florida Board of Nursing (FBON), its legislative duties addressing certified nursing assistants (C.N.A.s), nurses and nursing education, and its role in promoting safe nursing practice. Relevant sections of the Florida Nurse Practice Act (Chapter 464 of the Florida Statutes) and Florida Administrative Code pertaining to Nursing (Chapter 64B9) are addressed. There are additional references to sections of the Florida Statutes addressing General Provisions of Health Professions and Occupations (Chapter 456), Regulation of Professions and Occupations (Chapter 458), and the Administrative Procedure Act (Chapter 120).
Upon completion of this course each participant will be able to:1. Describe the primary purpose of the Nurse Practice Act2. Identify specific Florida laws and rules related to the practice of nursing3. Differentiate between ethical and legal considerations in nursing4. Compare each level of nursing practice in the state of Florida and the general scope of practice of each5. Review general requirements for nursing licensure within the state of Florida6. Outline the process for discipline related to nursing practice in the state of Florida7. Review best practice guidelines to protect licensure in nursing within the state of Florida
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