PANCE/PANRE Review: Psychiatry/Behavioral Health
PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This module is one of 15 that comprise the Rutgers PANCE/PANRE Review Course. It covers the following Infectious Disease topics:Anxiety DisordersPsychosesGeneralized anxiety disorderDelusional disorderPanic disorderSchizophreniaPhobiasPost-traumatic stress disorderSomatoform DisorderAttention-Deficit/ ...
This module is one of 15 that comprise the Rutgers PANCE/PANRE Review Course. It covers the following Infectious Disease topics:Anxiety DisordersPsychosesGeneralized anxiety disorderDelusional disorderPanic disorderSchizophreniaPhobiasPost-traumatic stress disorderSomatoform DisorderAttention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity DisorderSubstance Use DisordersAbuseAutistic DisorderDependenceWithdrawalEating DisordersAnorexia nervosaOther Behavior/Emotional DisordersBulimia nervosaAcute reaction to stressObesityChild/elder abuseConduct disordersMood DisordersDomestic violenceAdjustmentGrief reactionBipolarSuicideDepressiveDysthymicDysthymicPersonality Disorders
At the conclusion of the presentation for each of the listed conditions noted on the activity page, participants will be able to:Review the etiology, pathophysiology, and risk factorsDescribe the clinical manifestations, choose the appropriate laboratory and diagnostic studies, interpret the results of such studiesPredict course of illness with or without treatment; anticipate complicationsFormulate a differential diagnosis; determine the most appropriate diagnosis based on clinical dataDelineate the approach to management, including pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic treatments, patient education, and supportive care
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