ALiEM In-Training Exam Prep Book: Emergency Medicine
This book is a prime example of crowdsourcing experts from around the United States. The idea for this book came about only a short 12 months before its completion and ...
This book is a prime example of crowdsourcing experts from around the United States. The idea for this book came about only a short 12 months before its completion and publication. It arose as part of a conversation within the 2015-16 ALiEM Chief Resident Incubator among chief residents around country, who wanted more resources to study from. The conversation rapidly changed from “why aren’t there more people who would write guides and publish study questions…?” to “why can’t WE do it?” In empowered fashion, an editorial team quickly organized. A call for multiple choice questions was announced in the Incubator and the Council of EM Residency Directors (CORD) listserv. The editors reviewed and edited the test questions as they were submitted using our custom online submission form over the academic year. Twelve months later, we are incredibly proud to present the free book in PDF and iBook format.
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