Comprehensive Review of Pain Medicine
This detailed review covers all aspects of ongoing, effective pain management — including the challenges of opioid therapy — to help you improve clinical outcomes for your patients with pain.Topics ...
This detailed review covers all aspects of ongoing, effective pain management — including the challenges of opioid therapy — to help you improve clinical outcomes for your patients with pain.Topics covered include: • Moving Beyond Opioids for Pain Management • Opioids and Pediatric Pain Medicine • Suicide and Chronic Pain • Palliative Care for Clinicians • Treating Pain in the Addict • Pain Medicine and PsychiatryComprehensive Review of Pain Medicine will help you to better:• Identify underlying biologic and psychosocial causes of the opioid crisis and apply CDC guidelines for opioid use in your practice • Evaluate therapies and management strategies for patients with back and spine pain or postoperative pain • Discuss pain management for older adults, including those at the end of life, as well as addicts and other complicated patients • Summarize relevant and current non-narcotic and non-pharmacologic interventionsTarget Audience: Anesthesiologists, Neurologists, Psychiatrists, Emergency Physicians, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Doctors, Internists, Family Physicians, Rheumatologists, Dentists, Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, and Nurses.
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