Increasing Awareness of Hansen’s Disease in the United States
Increasing Awareness of Hansen’s Disease in the United States is designed to increase health care providers’ awareness of this unique and misunderstood disease.The course consists of two separate lectures: The ...
Increasing Awareness of Hansen’s Disease in the United States is designed to increase health care providers’ awareness of this unique and misunderstood disease.The course consists of two separate lectures: The first lecture covers introductory topics and concepts that are necessary to understand how Hansen’s Disease is diagnosed and treated. The second lecture covers more advanced treatment topics and concepts.Completing this course will enable you to: • Access the services provided by the National Hansen’s Disease Programs to healthcare providers; • Recognize the cardinal signs and symptoms of Hansen’s disease; • Understand the microbiology and pathology of Hansen’s Disease before and after treatment; • Identify the varied clinical presentations of Hansen’s disease; • List two basic treatment regimens used in the U.S. for Hansen’s disease and how patients are classified into these two groups; and • Learn the complications of Hansen’s disease and how to manage them. Once enrolled, all modules and post-tests must be completed within 2 weeks.Target Audiences: Physicians specializing in Dermatology, Neurology, ER, Family Medicine, and Public Health
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