Preparing for Residency: Making the Most of Your Last Weeks of Freedom
First and foremost – congratulations! After four long years (or more, for you overachieving MD/PhDs out there) you have graduated medical school. You’ve become a physician, and you’re about to ...
First and foremost – congratulations! After four long years (or more, for you overachieving MD/PhDs out there) you have graduated medical school. You’ve become a physician, and you’re about to start your residency. Finally you’ll get to stop living on student loans and can start paying them back. As you anxiously count down the days until starting your first job as a physician, you’ll probably be feeling many different emotions. Personally, I was sad to be moving away from Louisville after eight wonderful years, nervous about starting my intern year, and excited to face new challenges.
While you prepare to make this transition to medical residency, I believe that how you spend your last few weeks of (f)unemployment can make a big difference in your transition to intern year. Here is my advice, cultivated from starting not one, but two intern years, and from seeing my wife, Aakriti, go through the process as well.
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