Teaching in the age of COVID-19: The wrap-up
ALiEM developed the “Teaching in the age of COVID-19” blog series in order to help faculty members identify education/productivity technologies that can help them up their game during this COVID-19 ...
ALiEM developed the “Teaching in the age of COVID-19” blog series in order to help faculty members identify education/productivity technologies that can help them up their game during this COVID-19 associated period.
We’ve generated a “quick and dirty” guide to teaching online in various formats. We provided a tour of the various platforms that educators might find interesting to harness in these difficult times.
This collection of posts is by no means a comprehensive guide to all the digital learning tools available to you as an educator. This list is meant to help support faculty during this difficult time, and open the doors to digital education.
Tips for success
Consider sending out this summary post to your educational leaders and core faculty members. We hope it will inspire them to innovate and find new ways to work with their learners, be them residents, medical students, or contemporaries.
Thank you so much for tuning in to this event. We are very excited that you are interested in education and honored to be working with you. For ease of access, we have aggregated the posts below for all to read and vet. Our collection covers a wide range of topics including:
Introduction Post
Real-time Video-Conferencing (for synchronous teaching and learning)
Live from the Recording Studio (or “How to record your videos and push to your learners”)
Small-Group Conversations
Digital Asynchronous Chats
Assessing Learners Remotely
Learning Management Systems
Wrap-up Post (this post)
For those who are big on our infographics, here is a single PDF that has all the infographics, for you to share.
Don’t want to reinvent the wheel for your weekly resident conferences? Check out ALiEM Connect, a live educational telecast with a concurrent moderated backchannel discussion.
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