About MedForums

MedForums was created by physicians, for physicians. We built this site to help you save time and fine the best practice tools. Instead of just asking a few colleagues, use MedForums to see what specialists across the country have to say about resources like apps, books, and Continuing Medical Education courses.

Have you ever attended an exceptional conference and wanted to tell your colleagues about it? On the other hand, have you ever downloaded an application and found that it didn’t meet your expectations? MedForums was created by physicians so we could share our experiences and help each other find the best medical resources.

Our Goal

We want to improve healthcare. As physicians, we know the stress of needing to learn a ton of info and wanting to use your time efficiently. We created MedForums after talking with hundreds of doctors so we could understand how to be helpful. Our goal is to help you find the best educational resource for your current focus and your learning style.

Site Rules

Be nice and help your colleagues. Similar to "See One, Do One, Teach One," our mantra is "Read One, Rate One, Review One." Browse our resources reviews to learn about your colleagues' experiences. If you are familiar with one of the review books, apps, or podcasts, please take a second to give it a star rating. If you are waiting between cases or caught up on charting, take a few more seconds and add a brief review. Help your colleagues find the best resources. Have a question? Please reach out to us. Want to read the legalese, check out our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Thanks again for using the site.

Affiliations and Recognition