Resuscitation! is the award-winning virtual patient simulator that makes learning medicine addictive! Resuscitation gives you a case presentation of a patient who is ill, and you play the role of ...
Resuscitation! is the award-winning virtual patient simulator that makes learning medicine addictive! Resuscitation gives you a case presentation of a patient who is ill, and you play the role of the health care provider. You are in control and can take a history, perform a physical exam, develop a differential diagnosis and administer therapy to treat the patient’s underlying problem. You can place the patient on a monitor, start IV’s, perform procedures, administer medications, obtain radiology studies, EKGs, and a LOT more.
Resuscitation! is a very technical medical simulator and is designed mainly for health students and professionals who are interested in learning patient care. It is used by medical schools and residencies across the Unites States and has won multiple innovation awards. Resuscitation! has been played over 2 million times by tens of thousands of engaged learners.
In-App Purchases
Emergency Medicine 1 $9.99
EMS Paramedic $4.99
Emergency Medicine 2 $4.99
EMS Paramedic 2 $4.99
Emergency Medicine 3 $4.99
Emergency Neurology $4.99
Emergency Medicine 4 $4.99
Emergency Medicine 5 $4.99
Labor and Delivery $3.99
Pediatric Emergency Medicine $4.99
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