Sycamore Independent Physicians
We're an alternative to locums, giving physicians the ability to go around locums companies and work directly with hospitals and urgent care facilities. Traditional locums companies are incentivized to charge ...
We're an alternative to locums, giving physicians the ability to go around locums companies and work directly with hospitals and urgent care facilities. Traditional locums companies are incentivized to charge facilities as much as possible and pay docs as little as possible - the gap is their profit and the wider, the better (often 25-70% on top of your wages).
We've done away with any incentives to widen the gap by charging a flat 9.75% transaction fee to facilities. The more docs make, the more we make. And, facilities are happy because they can afford higher quality docs for less money overall. (btw, Sycamore's free for MD's, DO's, NP's, and PA's)
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