Advanced Breast Cancer: Personalized Care
PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Therapy for advanced breast cancer is increasingly personalized, thanks to an array of molecularly targeted/endocrine therapies indicated for recurrent/stage IV disease. New classes of targeted agents have been ...
Therapy for advanced breast cancer is increasingly personalized, thanks to an array of molecularly targeted/endocrine therapies indicated for recurrent/stage IV disease. New classes of targeted agents have been recently introduced or are in development—notably the CDK4/6 inhibitors, PARP inhibitors, and immunotherapies approaches to advanced breast cancer. The complexities of today’s more personalized care pose multiple challenges to effective nurse navigation. Recorded from a presentation at the 2017 ONA Navigation Summit, this educational activity will provide learners with a detailed overview of current and emerging strategies for breast cancer, with a focus on individualized therapy. A review of the most recent clinical trial data for endocrine and molecularly targeted therapies will be provided, as will a discussion of new and emerging drug classes. The program faculty will also describe the ONN core competencies in the management of advanced breast cancer and how these can be fulfilled in actual practice.
At the conclusion of this activity, participants should be better able to:Anticipate patient needs for tumor marker testing and other aspects of the workup in advanced breast cancerEducate patients on the plans and rationales for using newer molecularly targeted/endocrine therapies in advanced breast cancerRecognize and manage the toxicities of newer molecularly targeted/endocrine therapies as components of regimens for advanced breast cancerSustain patient-centric navigation through the complex pathways required in the increasingly personalized care of advanced breast cancer
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