Animated Rhythms Course
PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This online Animated Rhythms Course covers all of the common ECG rhythms you will encounter in your practice. All 26 rhythm patterns are presented with animation to correlate ...
This online Animated Rhythms Course covers all of the common ECG rhythms you will encounter in your practice. All 26 rhythm patterns are presented with animation to correlate the electrical path through the heart to the tracing on the rhythm strip. Each rhythm will be studied with the goal of understanding the origin of the pattern and recognizing the bottom-line criteria of each example strip given in the FIELD GUIDE. The order of the rhythm strips has been carefully arranged to strengthen your street-smart view of rhythms. The rhythms have been grouped according to their importance and have been labeled as “absolutely must know” and the less important as “nice to know.”This online course is presented in 3 Modules of 26 rhythms total. Each rhythm is presented with animations (see a sample here) to help the learner understand the origins of the tracing. A quiz follows each module. A score of 75% is required to continue to the next module. If necessary, the learner can review and retest. A fourth module contains the Comprehensive Final Exam. No new material can be skipped. Upon passing of the final exam, the learner will download a certificate of completion.The user-friendly format includes an online “bookmark” which allows the learner to move through the course at their own pace and convenience. Ideal for preparation for Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) certification, board review, or recertification.
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