Domestic Violence 3 Hour for Kentucky Health Professionals
PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This course focuses on child maltreatment, abuse and neglect within the larger context of domestic or family violence. The dynamics of domestic violence are presented using Pence and ...
This course focuses on child maltreatment, abuse and neglect within the larger context of domestic or family violence. The dynamics of domestic violence are presented using Pence and Paymer’s power and control wheel as a guiding explanatory model (1986). Common forms of child maltreatment, abuse and neglect are described and categorized with physical and behavioral symptoms. Opportunities for preventive education and support are described. Health care professionals’ responsibilities and mandates regarding recognition, intervention, reporting, documentation and prevention are all addressed. This course meets criteria for continuing education in the states of Florida and Kentucky, and provides a general background of information that is applicable to health care professionals residing in any portion of the United States.
After the completion of this course, the learner should be able to:1. Define domestic violence, child abuse and neglect2. Identify the primary components of the power and control wheel and the phases of abuse3. Differentiate the defining characteristics for physical, sexual, psychological and environmental abuse4. Describe the characteristics of physical, emotional and sexual child abuse and neglect5. Describe the major implications, interventions, and healthcare responsibilities related to child abuse and neglect6. Identify where to locate community, regional and national resources available for those affected by abuse7. Describe how to report suspected child abuse or neglect in the state in which the health care professional practices and obtain relevant state information
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