Not Missing the Boat on COPD Diagnosis and Management
PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This session will demonstrate competency in evaluation of spirometry in diagnosing COPD in primary care patients, contrast the use of cigarette smoking vs electronic cigarettes, and review select ...
This session will demonstrate competency in evaluation of spirometry in diagnosing COPD in primary care patients, contrast the use of cigarette smoking vs electronic cigarettes, and review select key factors contributing to undiagnosed COPD in primary care patients. Key factors contributing to the pharmacotherapeutic management of COPD in the primary care patient will also be reviewed.
After taking part in this educational activity, participants should be better able to: Demonstrate competency in evaluation of spirometry in diagnosing COPD in the primary care patient Contrast the use of cigarette smoking vs electronic cigarettesIdentify key factors contributing to the pharmacotherapeutic management of COPD in the primary care patient
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