Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder and the Neurodevelopmental Disorders in the DSM-5
Description The DSM-5 introduces a sweeping array of changes into its new section of Neurodevelopmental Disorders which replace the earlier chapter on Disorders of Childhood, Infancy and Early Adolescence. In ...
The DSM-5 introduces a sweeping array of changes into its new section of Neurodevelopmental Disorders which replace the earlier chapter on Disorders of Childhood, Infancy and Early Adolescence. In its place is a category that introduces the newly conceptualized autism spectrum disorder, which itself replaces previous designations of autistic disorder, pervasive developmental disorder and Asperger's disorder, to name a few.
Part of the Clinician's Corner category on our BizVision partner site.
Learning Objectives
List at least three disorders that are part of the new chapter on Neurodevelopmental Disorders.
Discuss the rationale for developing the new autism spectrum disorder.
Describe the nature of the changes to the newly named Intellectual
Greg Neimeyer, PhD
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