Real Talk School of Nursing
The stuff they don't teach you. Nursing school isn't hard, it's all the stuff AROUND it that makes it hard. There's more to nursing school than just content. Write in ...
The stuff they don't teach you. Nursing school isn't hard, it's all the stuff AROUND it that makes it hard. There's more to nursing school than just content. Write in to or use Facebook messenger, or contact us through Instagram or Twitter to share your experiences, ask questions and give feedback. More listeners means more and better shows. We're building a community of fun, engaged and supportive nursing students and nurses! Make sure to SHARE the episode with classmates, and especially underclassmen and cohorts. Let’s give a hand up to those who are coming behind us. Reach out and tell us if you have any announcements for graduations, good grades, difficult tests you’ve passed, friends you want to help congratulate and your announcement will be featured on the show! If you like the show, The Real Talk School of Nursing podcast is available on iTunes, Google Play, iHeartRadio, Libsyn web player, Stitcher, YouTube, Spotify, and SoundCloud! So, go to wherever you download podcasts, subscribe, rate us, review us, write in to the show, smash that subscribe button. Remember to leave only 5-star reviews because that’s the only ratings that count to get us noticed by more nursing students!
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