Comprehensive Review of Breast Imaging: World Class CME and Oakstone Clinical Update
Comprehensive Review of Breast Imaging covers these topics in breast imaging: Mammography, Tomosynthesis, Anatomy of the Breast on Ultrasound, Breast Asymmetries, Screening Mammography, Imaging Guided Breast Pathology, Molecular Breast Imaging, ...
Comprehensive Review of Breast Imaging covers these topics in breast imaging: Mammography, Tomosynthesis, Anatomy of the Breast on Ultrasound, Breast Asymmetries, Screening Mammography, Imaging Guided Breast Pathology, Molecular Breast Imaging, Clinical Correlation, Breast MR and many others. At the conclusion of Comprehensive Review of Breast Imaging, you will be able to: • Apply new skills in perception and analysis of possible breast cancer through the use of quality screening and diagnostic mammography • Explain the real facts in the screening mammography guidelines debate, and demonstrate the true value of yearly screening mammography beginning at age 40 • Describe the appearance of normal breast anatomy and breast pathophysiology on ultrasound, and ways to improve breast ultrasound image interpretation quality through technique optimization • Discuss the latest additions to the BIRADS manual in the new 5th edition, and how these will improve their overall performance in breast imaging • Describe the current indications for the performance of breast MR for both screening and diagnosis • Explain the various indications for breast biopsy using ultrasound, stereotactic, and MR guidance, and the advantages of biopsy with each modality compared to the others in diagnosing breast cancer Target Audience: Radiologists and other health professionals involved in the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer.
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