The goal of these Pediatric EM Morsels is to continue to encourage us all to enhance and refine our understanding of pediatric emergency medicine and to augment the care of ...
The goal of these Pediatric EM Morsels is to continue to encourage us all to enhance and refine our understanding of pediatric emergency medicine and to augment the care of pediatric patients. The care of pediatric patients often brings up a myriad of diverse topics ranging from the common to the very unusual. It is difficult to stay abreast of the appropriate management of some many diverse entities, particularly when they may be quite different from those of our adult patients.
I encourage you to explore the Morsels that already exist… and if you are interested, subscribe in order to receive the FREE weekly Morsel directly.
Thank you for your interest and dedication.
Have a great day,
Sean M. Fox, MD, FACEP, FAAP
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